Month: June 1995

A Hearing Ministry

A friend gave me an article that tells about an "organ recital" most people would rather avoid. It read like this:

Beyond Our Understanding

It is said that Augustine (354-430), a leader in the early church, was walking on the shore of the ocean one day and pondering the mystery of the Trinity. He noticed a little boy playing with a seashell. The youngster would scoop a hole in the sand, then go down to the waves and get his shell full of water and pour it into the hole he had made.

It All Makes Sense

On the campus of Ohio State University stands an intriguing building known as the Wexler Arts Center. Ravi Zacharias, a Christian lecturer, described it as a notable example "of asymmetrical random design, with staircases that go nowhere, and pillars that do not join two levels but stop in midair."

Life-Giving Words

In Luke 7 we read the dramatic story of what happened when Jesus encountered a large funeral procession. A widow was on her way to the cemetery to bury her only son. With a heart full of compassion, Jesus spoke to the woman, touched the coffin, and with a command brought her son back to life.

The Old Paths

I seldom yearn for "the good old days." The quality of today's cars, for example, far exceeds that of my first one, a 1935 model with only a manifold heater and a short lifespan. When somebody says, "They don't make them like they used to," I reply, "I'm sure glad they don't."

Do Your Own Thing!

In the 60s and 70s, much was heard about the right of individuals to "do their own thing." People were encouraged to be themselves, to get to know themselves, and to express themselves.

Preparing To Stop

As children, we loved hearing three words shouted in slow succession before running a race on the playground: "Ready . . . Set . . . Go!" But have you ever been running along at top speed and heard the signal: "Ready . . . Set . . . Stop"?

Fiery Words

Few crimes are as senseless as arson. In late 1993, portions of the Southern California landscape were blackened by a rash of brushfires set by arsonists. Woodlands vanished, homes were reduced to ashes, animals and human beings lost their lives.

Our Helper

When I taught in a Christian college, I directed travel-study tours of Europe. Before I left for the first tour, I was somewhat apprehensive, but I knew that a Christian brother, Sotos Boukis, would be assisting us during the 7 days our group would be in Greece. I was relieved to discover when we arrived at our hotel that he was there waiting for us. His knowledge, guidance, and personal assistance were invaluable. It gave me great peace of mind to have him with me.